Daniela Spector
Daniela Spector was one of the few photographers in our group that actually made a living through photography. The crystal clear focus in their work demonstrates that clearly. They were born in Queens but moved to Miami at a young age. Their mother was born and raised in New York City and lived in the Lower East Side pre-gentrification. In the conversation we had when we met and they discussed this relationship to New York City through their mom as the inspiration for being a part of the project. Photos of their mom also captured the vibrant culture of Puerto Ricans on the Lower East Side as well as the tough circumstances they survived in.
They joined the project for the photowalk where they took photos that excellently capture the changing shape of the border between Brooklyn and Queens along Atlantic Avenue. For example, their photo of 3047 Atlantic Avenue is significant because it captures a building on the verge of being turned over into a new development entirely.
Other photographers captured this building, and one of the key details we see on it is that it’s being sold off by Bridge Property Advisors.
Through a quick google search you can see they have the building available for sale at the price of just $2.65 million. Furthermore the property is in a mandatory inclusionary housing zone with a FAR of 6.5 for community uses and 7.2 for residential uses. If purchased the property will be delivered to the buyer vacant meaning the current building will be razed. In other words Daniela really captured a piece of history with their photograph. This photograph was a great example of foresight and it will be great to come back to the site in a future iteration of this project to see how exactly the future development on the site changes the area around it.