
Azariah Baker

Azariah is another NY native involved in this project. They claim Bedstuy, which is heavily reflected in their map of photos for the project. Their photos had a strong sense of memory attached to them in terms of looking at spaces that once held something but also have potential to change into something else and create new memories.

These photos reflect an appreciation of New York I relate to in terms of looking at the things others might overlook. Azariah had a great description of their feelings about New York City, writing, “Growing up in New York is an experience of a lifetime. You are immersed or (were )immersed in culture everyday. I remember growing up in Bed Stuy and being eager to learn and see what extracurricular activities my mom could put me in to further understand the importance of community. I remember realizing New York to be one of the true melting pots of the world. You cross paths with so many beautiful people from so many different backgrounds and that for me is what really makes New York home.”

As a theme in her work, community shows up in a big way. Through my eyes it seems sadness and grief are a particular focus.

︎ Brooklyn, NYC